Land: 40 acres. 4 warehouses, each measuring 4,800 sq ft with metal roofing and insulation, built in 2021. 6 Greenhouses ranging from 1,800 to 3,000 sq ft, all of which are steel-framed. 1 single house measuring 2,520 sq ft with three bedrooms and two bathrooms plus two bonus rooms. 2 metal workshops around 1,500 sq ft each. 1 double-wide mobile home around 1,500 sq ft split into five bedrooms with two bathrooms. 2 single-wide mobile homes around 1,000 sq ft each repurposed as open storage buildings without rooms or bathrooms. 2 ponds totaling approximately two acres. One 40 ft metal container. An oil well is present on the land but is not included in the property sale, and surface rights only. The property is sold ‘as-is’ and ‘where-is’.
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